Rotary | People of Action
About the Rotary Club of Kenton on Sea
Rotary International is a service organisation whose mission statement is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders. It is a non-political, non-religious organisation, open to all.
Rotary is highly regarded internationally and is consistently recognized by Charity Navigator as the most reliable, transparent and effective NPO to which to donate. Your money goes where it makes the most difference.
We are a global network of 1.2 million neighbours, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves. Rotary’s People of Action have used their passion, energy, and intelligence to take action on sustainable projects. Rotary clubs exist in almost every country.
Rotarians share a passion for, and commitment to, enhancing communities and improving lives across the world. We change lives in our community and connect with other clubs to work on international projects that address today’s most pressing challenges. Being a member is an opportunity to take action and make a difference, and it brings personal rewards and lifelong friendships in the process. Our club was chartered on 24 February, 2009.
The Rotary Club of Kenton on Sea meets on Tuesdays at 5 for 5:30pm at the Round Table Club House, Middle Beach, Kenton on Sea.
For more about Rotary International, visit their page,
The Board 2024-2025
President | Norman Smith |
President Elect | Bruce Steele-Gray |
Past President | Vaughan Nisbet |
Area Governer | Eugene De Witt |
Secretary | Alison Nisbet |
Treasurer | Tony Swift |
RI and Foundation | Mike Peter |
Peacebuilding and Vocation | Eugene De Witt |
Youth Services | Bev Rodgers |
Club Admin | Sandy Smith |
Membership | Simon Matthews |
Environment | Peter Reid |
Public Image | Bev Lloyd |
Projects | Vaughan Nisbet |
Meeting times
Middle Beach, Kenton on Sea
Every Tuesday
17:00 for 17:30
Our Partners
A special thank you to our partners listed below – those with whom we work and either receive funds from, or distribute funds to in the course of our work.
Object of Rotary
The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:
The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service.
High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society.
The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business & community life.
The advancement of international understanding, goodwill & peace through a world fellowship of business & professional persons united in the ideal of service.
The Four way test
Of the things we think, say or do:
- Is it the Truth?
- Is it Fair to all concerned?
- Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
- Will it be Beneficial to all concerned.
Rotary’s best-known motto is
“Service above Self”
The 5 Avenues of Service
- Club Service, involving actions a member should take within the Club to help it function successfully.
- Vocational Service which has the purpose of promoting high ethical standards in business and professions, recognising the worthiness of all dignified occupations, and fostering the ideal of service in the pursuit of all vocations. The role of members includes conducting themselves and their businesses in accordance with Rotary’s principles.
- Community Service comprises varied efforts that members make, sometimes in conjunction with others, to improve the quality of life of those who live within this Club’s locality.
- International Service comprises those activities that members do to advance international understanding, goodwill and peace by fostering acquaintance with people of other countries, their cultures, accomplishments, aspirations and problems through reading and correspondence and through co-operation in all club activities and projects designed to help people in other lands.
- Youth Service recognises the positive change implemented by youth and young adults through leadership development activities, involvement in community and international service projects, and exchange programs that enrich and foster world peace and cultural understanding.
This framework has been our guideline for establishing all our projects, listed elsewhere, bringing us to where we are today – a flourishing and enthusiastic Club of around 47 members and 9 honorary members.
The 7 Areas of Focus
Rotary 7 Areas of Focus underpin almost all the charitable work undertaken by clubs worldwide.